The main reason for gaining weight or getting fat is eating more calories than burning, regardless of the source of those calories.
When you struggle with your weight, the easiest thing to do is look at one food item as the bad guy, though it is not how it works.
Eggs alone can not make you fat, unless you over consume them or are not burning a certain amount of the calories you consume.
Do eggs make you put on weight?
Eggs have high nutritious value, enriching the body with many vitamins and minerals, with a low calorie count.
They have been demonized for having a high cholesterol content, but evidence has shown that eggs can be incorporated into a healthy diet.
Research has shown that eggs can also help you lose weight, given their high protein content, minerals and vitamins like folate, vitamin A and vitamin D.
If taken in breakfast, they will keep you full the entire day.
Protein is found in both the egg white and yolk. Egg yolk has the highest concentration of fats, minerals, and vitamins.
The nutrition profile of a large egg is:
· Calories: 71.5
· Fat: 4.8 grams
· Vitamin A: 160 mcg
· Calcium: 56 mg
· Vitamin D: 2 mcg
· Riboflavin: .475 mg
· Vitamin B12: .89 mcg
· Folate: 47 mcg
· Vitamin E: 1.05 mg
· Niacin: .075 mg
· Iron: 1.75 mg
How many eggs can make you gain weight?
If you are in the phase of bulking in your training, eggs can help you gain weight for it.
However, several factors will determine the number of eggs you eat, particularly when you are trying to gain lean muscle weight.
For most people, around 3-6 eggs in a day are enough to gain some weight, coming from both egg whites and whole eggs.
The number of eggs required to gain weight is different for each individual; it depends on their metabolism and eating routine.
In order to ensure you gain healthy muscle mass, one must consume 0.8 to 1.2 grams of protein for each pound of your bodyweight.
If you are less active, you will be on the lower end of the range, while if you are very active, you will be otherwise.
Another factor that determines the number of eggs one should take to gain weight is identifying how many total calories, carbohydrates, proteins and fat are they consuming.
This should be compared to how many does the egg have relative to required.
One egg has 70 calories of which 6 grams are protein and 5 grams are fat, while there are no carbohydrates at all.
This knowledge can understand how an egg will help you hit your daily protein and fat target.
Are eggs good for losing weight?
In losing weight, eggs are full of protein that helps you stay full.
This way, consuming eggs will help you eat fewer calories during the whole day has already felt full.
A major challenge when losing weight is to satisfy your hunger while staying in the calorie deficit.
This can be tackled by consuming high-protein foods that will keep you fuller for a longer time.
Eggs have a high protein value, around 6 grams in a large egg, on average.
For satiating hunger, protein is much better at it than fats and carbohydrates as it digests slower.
The process of eating, digesting and storing food is thermic effect—you experience thermic effect, or a slight increase in your metabolism right after eating protein.
Thermic effect can be increased by multiple factors, of which one is the amount of protein being consumed.
One way to lose weight is boosting metabolism.
Metabolism is the rate or ability of your body to burn calories and convert them to energy.
Although having a slow or fast metabolism depends on your genes, incorporating high-protein foods into your diet like eggs, will speed up your metabolism slightly and help you burn more calories.
Your muscle health will also benefit from protein, as it helps preserve energy and build muscles.
There is a direct relationship between increase muscle mass and raising metabolism.
More energy is used by muscles and more calories are burnt when at rest. This means that the more muscle you have, the more efficiently food is burnt by your body.
Does egg increase belly fat?
Having eggs in a moderate number will not increase fat in your body.
Having up to seven eggs in a week will also not increase your risk of developing cardiovascular diseases.
If you feel your waistline looks slightly bloated after eating eggs, get yourself checked for egg intolerance.
Egg intolerance, as opposed to an allergy, is the body’s inability to digest proteins in egg yolk or whites properly. You should consult a doctor to discuss the symptoms you experience, and the way forward.
An egg intolerance can explain why you may observe an increase in the abdominal fat after you consume eggs or egg products.
Stomach is distended because of bloating, that causes you to look or feel fat.
Actually, it is not because of increased belly fat, rather an excessive amount of air that gets trapped in your digestive system!