When attempting to maintain a healthy weight, it is sometimes easier to single out one food as the culprit. Unfortunately, the situation is not so straightforward.
The consumption of boiled eggs alone will not result in a weight increase. Consuming more calories than you expend results in weight gain, regardless of the source of those calories.
Therefore, the only way hard-boiled eggs can cause weight gain is if you consume too many calories.
Nutritional Information
It is vital to understand the nutritional composition of eggs before labeling them as healthy or unhealthy.
Eggs that have been hard-boiled are actually a portion of highly healthy food, as they are low in calories, high in protein, and a good source of B vitamins and selenium. One egg contains 80 calories, 5 grams of fat, 6 grams of protein, and no carbohydrates.

Each hard-boiled egg contains 187 mg of cholesterol. New research indicates that the cholesterol in eggs has no effect on blood cholesterol levels. You may be able to have up to six or seven eggs every week without compromising your heart health.
However, if you have a history of excessive cholesterol or heart disease, consult your doctor regarding the number of boiled eggs you can safely consume.
Low on Calories
A big hard-boiled egg with a shell contains 78 calories and a number of essential nutrients, including:
- Choline improves metabolism and promotes brain development in fetuses.
- Vitamin D supports bone health and the immune system.
- The antioxidants lutein and zeaxanthin help maintain healthy eyesight.
One of the easiest approaches to reducing weight is to restrict caloric consumption, and adding eggs to the diet may be beneficial.
For instance, lunch or dinner consisting of two hard-boiled eggs and one cup of mixed veggies has just 274 calories.
However, frying eggs with oil or butter greatly boosts their fat and caloric content. As each spoonful of olive oil contains approximately 130 calories.
Rich In Protein
Eggs are a good source of protein, with one big egg containing roughly 6 grams of protein. Protein aids in weight loss since it is incredibly filling.
Some of the expert nutritionists’ recommended dietary allowance for protein is 0.8 grams per kilogram of body weight.
This indicates:
- The typical inactive woman’s daily protein need is 46 grams.
- The average inactive male needs 56 grams of protein daily.
Therefore, two large eggs provide over 25% of a sedentary woman’s daily protein requirements and over 20% of a sedentary man’s daily protein requirements.

According to some studies, a protein-rich breakfast boosts a person’s satiety or sense of fullness. The data also implies that a breakfast high in protein reduces calorie consumption throughout the rest of the day.
A journal of nutrition published a study in 2012 revealing that protein aids in the treatment of obesity and metabolic syndrome, in part because it makes people feel fuller.
Boosts metabolism
Through a mechanism known as the thermic impact of food, consuming a high-protein diet can boost the metabolism.
This occurs because the body must use additional calories to digest and utilize the nutrients in food.
However, carbohydrates and fats stimulate the metabolism to a lesser degree than protein.
According to the findings of a study from 2014,
- Protein raises the metabolic rate of a person by 15–30 percent.
- Carbohydrates raise the metabolic rate by 5 to 10%.
- Fats can raise the metabolic rate by up to 3%.
Eggs and other high-protein diets may therefore help people burn more calories than carbohydrates or lipids.
Eggs may be especially beneficial for weight loss when consumed during breakfast.
In 2005, researchers investigated the impact of consuming an egg-based breakfast with a bagel-based meal on obese women.
Both breakfasts contained the same number of calories, but those who eat eggs consumed much less food during the rest of the day.
In 2013, a study revealed that adult male participants who consumed eggs for breakfast required smaller lunches and appeared to feel fuller than those who consumed breakfasts rich in carbohydrates.
Does it Help Lose Weight?
The key is to include eggs in a nutritious diet.
It appears that eating eggs for breakfast is the optimal strategy, as this may lower the number of calories consumed during the remainder of the day.

They are healthy and simple to prepare. People generally like them:
- baked
- boiled
- omelet
- scrambled
- poached
Pair hard-boiled eggs with veggies for a fiber-rich and substantial breakfast, or add them to a salad for lunch.
Previous dietary guidelines recommended that individuals should not consume more than seven eggs per week. However, due to a lack of scientific data, these recommendations were revised in 2015.
Recent research indicates that consuming one egg per day may lessen the risk of cardiovascular disease and stroke. Over the course of nine years, the researchers monitored the impacts on over 500,000 Chinese individuals.
It is essential to emphasize that the participants in this study did not consume the typical American diet.
A 2018 study found that consuming at least 12 eggs per week for three months did not increase cardiovascular risk factors in diabetic or prediabetic subjects. It is vital to remember that these participants followed a weight loss-oriented diet.
This data implies that consuming a reasonable amount of eggs may bring health benefits provided that the eggs are incorporated into a balanced diet.
However, egg yolks are high in cholesterol, so a renowned health association advises anyone at risk for heart disease to consume only one or two egg whites each day.
Additionally, individuals should avoid adding animal fats, such as butter or bacon grease, to egg-based dishes.
Boiled eggs are a nutrient-dense food that is low in calories. Its consumption may promote weight loss, particularly when combined with a calorie-restricted diet.
According to research, they improve metabolic activity and promote sensations of fullness. A person who consumes an egg-based breakfast may consume fewer calories throughout the day.
To promote weight loss, avoid preparing eggs with excessive amounts of fat, such as butter or oil.
A person who is at risk for cardiovascular disease should consume only egg whites and closely manage their cholesterol consumption.