Can Biscuits Make You Fat & Cause Weight Gain?

Biscuits are a very popular snack that resembles fast bread and is typically referred to as a bakery product. This baked product is composed of sugar, fat and flour. 

There are plenty of freshly made biscuits, dry biscuits, and biscuit dough available in the market. Nowadays, biscuits include digestive, creamy sandwich, glucose, chocolate-coated, cookies and rusks, and they are available in a variety of flavors.

People frequently eat a lot of biscuits, but they should be aware of whether they are nutritious and what nutrients they contain. 

Providing fiber, protein, iron and calcium, These bakery products can contribute to a variety of health advantages if cooked with wholesome and healthy ingredients. Nevertheless, some of the substances in them can also be harmful to your health.

Nutritional Information

Depending on their kind and composition, the nutritional profiles of biscuits vary. Nonetheless, the USDA gives this nutritional information for 100 grams of digestive biscuits.

  • Carbohydrates: 66.67 grams.
  • Energy: 500 calories.
  • Sugar: 16.67 grams.
  • Protein: 6.67 grams.
  • Iron: 2.4 mg.
  • Sodium: 667 mg.
  • 13.33 grams of saturated fat.
  • Fiber: 6.67 grams.

These nutritional statistics indicate the nutritional profile of digestive biscuits. However, it differs depending on the manufacturer and the components. 

However, biscuits typically contain fiber, carbohydrates, calories, sugar, sodium and fat.

Is It Fattening?

Yes, biscuits can cause weight gain since they are rich in kilojoules derived from harmful fats,  sugar and highly processed carbohydrates. You must understand the numerous kinds of sugar, including fructose, corn starch, glucose, and corn syrup, among others.

Typically, manufacturers tally carbs and sugar separately in the ingredient list displayed on the package. Consequently, you may miscalculate the number of calories you are consuming. 

An expert nutritionist states, “Since carbs are broken down by the body into sugar, you may believe you are within acceptable limits.”

Cookies contain a moderate to the high amount of sugar and provide empty calories. Therefore, excessive consumption can be harmful and lead to obesity, diabetes, etc. 

So, unintentional biscuit consumption can result in weight gain.

Is It Junk Food?

Junk food includes candies, sweet beverages, sweet snacks, chocolates, chips and crisps, crunchy snack foods, cakes, biscuits, the majority of fast foods, jams, and honey. 

For instance, biscuits are considered unhealthy since they contain unprocessed fat and highly processed carbohydrates. They also contain palm oil and different preservatives. Hence, biscuits are junk food.

Some Types of Biscuits

The biscuit varieties differ widely in terms of ingredients, flavors, and textures. Let’s familiarise ourselves with some popular or common sorts of biscuits:


Given their texture, most cookies are thick, dry, dense and crunchy. These biscuits come in a variety of flavors and fillings and are made in bakeries. They make a filling snack and are best enjoyed on their own or with tea.

Ginger Biscuits

Ginger biscuits are a traditional English dessert. As suggested by the name, the biscuits contain powdered ginger in addition to flour, cinnamon, and nutmeg. 

The texture of these biscuits is hard, yet they melt on the tongue and have a nice unsweetened flavor. They are crunchy and an ideal accompaniment to tea or coffee.

Digestive Biscuits

Digestive biscuits are unsweetened or semi-sweet biscuits suitable for a balanced diet. These biscuits are packed with fiber to keep you full for an extended time.  Unlike white flour or processed components, these use whole grains.

Potential Benefits

Everyone tends to eat biscuits at any time of day, as they are always regarded as junk food. However, if it is cooked with nutritious components, it can also provide health benefits.

The following are a few of its health benefits:

A Great Source of Fiber

Generally, biscuits are not high in fiber. However, other types of biscuits produced with specific components may contain fiber. For instance, biscuits produced with grains can be high in fiber and beneficial to health. 

According to a renowned journal’s guidelines, a digestive biscuit of around 30 grams contains 20 grams of carbohydrates, 2 grams of fiber, and 150 calories. Even though the calories are substantial, they supply approximately 8 percent of your daily fiber needs. 

The fiber in the biscuit comes from wheat bran, which is the outer layer of the wheat grain.

According to studies, diets high in fiber aid in weight management and help prevent lower cholesterol and constipation. However, sugar is a common addition to baked goods. 

Rich in Minerals And Vitamins

Selecting wheat biscuits as opposed to flour-made biscuits will give essential minerals. 

Despite the fact that whole grains provide numerous essential nutrients, excluding refined grains made from enriched flour may prevent you from meeting your daily mineral and vitamin needs.

Incorporating refined grains made with enriched flour, such as cookies, into your diet helps you meet your daily mineral and vitamin needs. 

In addition to boosting energy, according to the research, this indicates that these minerals and vitamins also serve as antioxidants for healthy hair, healthy skin, and the immunological system.

Reduces nausea

Studies indicate that ginger biscuits can alleviate motion sickness and nausea. Ginger is an old herb that has been utilized historically for numerous natural medicinal uses, most notably as an antiemetic. 

According to the best available evidence, ginger is a secure and effective treatment for vomiting and nausea.

Biscuits Containing Berry & Fruits Are Rich In Antioxidants

Antioxidants are not present in every biscuit. But biscuits with berries and ginger cookies might have some antioxidants in them. 

Ginger contains the same antioxidants as coffee, green tea and garlic. These nutrients help eliminate free radicals, which harm cells and increase the risk of disease.

Selenium, carotenoids such as beta-carotene, vitamins E and C, lycopene, zeaxanthin and lutein are antioxidants. 

According to research, antioxidants are manmade or natural compounds that can control or delay certain types of damage to cells. Therefore, some of these health benefits can be obtained from eating ginger cookies.


For many, eating biscuits is a habit. It may be a great source of vitamins, fiber, minerals, antioxidants, energy, and calories, among other nutritional benefits.

The nutrition of food mostly relies on its constituents. For instance, if you consume a ginger cookie, you can reap the antioxidant advantages. 

However, the majority of biscuits contain all-purpose flour, palm oil, and preservatives that might raise the risk of heart disease, bloating, high blood sugar, allergies, weight gain, and other conditions.

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